HUB definition...

Faith City Hub

a noun

  1. the central part of a wheel, rotating on or with the axle, and from which the spokes radiate. “Go Forth…”
  2. the effective center of an activity, region, or network. “One Faith, One Lord, One Goal…”

center, core, heart, focus, nerve center, nucleus. “the hub of family life”

Faith City Hub


"We're All Inter-Connected"

Ambassador Syvilla Pristell

United Nations Peace Ambassador & Founder, Senior Apostle ( Tennessee )

Apostle Margaret Wright, PhD. USA

Founder /CEO A Cry for the Children, Inc. ( Colorado )

Pastor Kevin Gregory

US Special Operation Command & Church Planter

Dr. Dolores McNair N.Y. USA

President of Word Alive Ministries

"The Late" Honorable Senator Sidney Locks &"the Late" Rev. Dr. Dolores McNair

"The late" Marjorie Scott

Faith City Hub - GLOBAL

Statement of Faith

THE SCRIPTURES – The Bible is the inspired Word of God. The Scriptures are the divine revelations given from God and received by Man, and as such, are the only such revelations that are inspired and infallible. The Bible is the supreme authority in all matters of faith and morals. The Word of God is the direct revelation of the will of God for all men and for all time. The Scriptures were plenary-verbally inspired, that is the Holy Spirit breathed upon men the very words and thoughts He wanted in conjunction with the writers personalities, traits and emotions. The Holy Spirit guarded and preserved each thought, phrase and word from any error, omission or inaccuracy.

II Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12; Exodus 24:4; II Peter 3:2

Faith City Hub Founders Team

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He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and
growing and full of love.”

Ephesians 4:16

Five Ministry Offices from the Word Defined Ephesians 4:11

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The pastor is the prime caretaker of the Lord’s sheep. The Lord was very specific in his choice of titles here, using an image that was common in that day, and clearly portrayed the work of a spiritual pastor as being the same as a pastor of sheep. The pastor has three basic functions.

They are:
• Protect the sheep
• Make sure the sheep are well fed
• Lead the sheep where they need to go